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January 2022 Newsletter

Adopt a Family Stories

Families in the Valley are overcoming obstacles for numerous reasons but this Christmas we all helped to make a difference. Due to the compassion and generosity of so many of you, we were able to adopt 58 families for Christmas this year. 134 children were provided gifts and families continued to make memories over Christmas dinner. We are continually blessed to facilitate this program as part of our ministry but it is through your giving that we are able to help individuals and families all year long. Here are just a few stories from families who received a hand up in love this Christmas.

First, I want to say thank you for having such a caring heart to want to help others in need. May the joy of giving keep on giving. I am a single mom of an amazing 2-year-old girl named Kaylynn. She was born blind, so every day is a time of learning for the both of us. She has speech therapy, physical therapy, and orientation & mobility therapy regularly. It takes up a lot of our days and unfortunately limits time for me to work. Any and all help for Christmas would be greatly appreciated. God bless.


I am a single mom to two amazing boys. Tristan who is 7 and Weston who is 4. We lost my husband and their father when he passed away unexpectedly in July of 2019. He was our sole provider and we have continued to struggle ever since. I have just recently been able to finally get us into our own apartment, but I continue to struggle financially. I have no extra funds for Christmas and it breaks my heart to think of the boys having no gifts under the tree Christmas morning. To be adopted for Christmas would be such a blessing and greatly appreciated. God bless.


I am a busy single mom taking care of my twin girls. Marisa and Mirena are 7 years old. 2020 has been especially difficult for everyone. The virus and lost hours at work have made this a tough Christmas for my kids and I. I would be very grateful, thankful, and blessed with your help this holiday. Thank you and God bless.


I am on maternity leave over the holidays this year. Being unable to work this time of year has made funds incredibly short. To be adopted for Christmas would give my kids the Christmas they deserve. I am grateful for any help available to my family. Merry Christmas.


We are the Sneeden’s. There are 8 people in our family, 2 adults and 6 children. Like many other families, our family has been impacted by the Covid pandemic. The head of our household lost his career and as a result our family has been struggling to pay our bills. Also, during this difficult time, my husband and I have become separated. This has put the children in a situation they did not ask to be in. Christmas should be a joyful and cheerful celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ both spiritually and physically. When he was born, he came to life within our hearts. We also believe that Christmas should include family togetherness and that it teaches little children the value of giving receiving gifts in the remembrance of the grace we also get to give and receive from others during a lifetime of faith. Although our family is in need today, we promise to extend the same giving spirit to others any time in the future, we are able to. Merry Christmas!

My Family has been through so much in the last six years. They have been fighting to stay alive and pay bills without my help. I fought a pretty major battle of addiction. It took being in prison, helpless to fight for my family and to see how much harm I have done to them. I’m now picking up the pieces, trying to become actively employed so I can contribute to my family’s wellbeing.

I am actively working a strong program. I’ve just completed a CDL course and now have a commercial driver's license. I finally have a job lined up with LHC to work for them driving a concrete truck.

With 5 years of sobriety and a strong career choice, my family now has a fighting chance. But this Christmas, although it is my first with them since prison, there isn’t any money to do anything. I have 3 children and 2 of them are handicapped. Any help is greatly appreciated and may God bless.




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