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I was an addict, long before I was a mother, but I was a Christian long before I was an addict. Being a Christian that loves her children is what has got me through the pits of my addiction. There have been extreme highs and extreme lows. But I wouldn’t trade any of it because it has all shaped me into the woman, mother and faithful follower of Christ I am today. My higher power is so aware of me and my children and that brings me such peace. Using prayer to talk to my higher power has blessed my life tremendously. I used to only pray selfishly, but today my prayers are for the still suffering addict or others that may need God to wrap his arms around them and their lives. Praying for others and how I may be of service to them has changed me in ways I find hard to explain. It has softened my heart and opened my eyes to tender mercies from the Lord that I’ve been overlooking.

Coming to Kalispell to start over has saved my life. I’m so grateful for A Ray of Hope and the Selene House. But most importantly to be clean and sober and have another chance at having a life that means something. Another chance at being a good mother. I hope that my experience, strength and hope will be able to help someone else struggling to find their way out and back into the light. I hope to always be an example and witness to my sweet babies about what perseverance and diligence looks like. I want to always be a beacon of hope and God’s will to those around me.

In just 3 months, I’ve been more connected to my higher power than I have in 28 years. I know that that comes down to my footwork and reaching out. He has always been here waiting for me.

Attending bible studies at AROH has been so refreshing to me. It gives me a feeling of serenity and safety that can only come from reading God’s word.

I’m so grateful to Rachelle for the kindness she has shown to my children and I. She is a blessing here, even to the one’s she has yet to meet. She is a blessing in our lives along with all the others here at A Ray of Hope. It is easy to feel the spirit here. I appreciate the rules and structure of the house because it helps keep me moving forward and aware of not only the things I have to work on but my strengths. Moving forward, I hope that I am able to stay close to the Lord and continue to follow his will for my life. I pray that I continue to grow as a woman and as a mother.

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